Rise of the Apes Movie

Rise of the Apes MovieMankind’s supremacy on Earth will be challenged once again: there’s indeed a new prequel to the Planet of the Apes ahead of us. The film, titled Rise of the Apes, is directed by Rupert Wyatt and is starring James Franco as a scientist. The movie Rise of the Apes should be released on June 24, 2011.

Rise of the Apes Trailer

“Set in present day San Francisco, the film will follow a scientist (James Franco) working on a cure for Alzheimer’s and his test ape, Caesar. The experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.”

This time around they won’t hire costumed actors to play the monkeys: the plan is to use CGI. That’s why Fox is partnering with Peter Jackson’s WETA, they intend to use the same technologies created for Avatar. So we may expect a quite realistic movie.

I was fan of the previous Planet of the Apes movie, so I definitely welcome the Rise of the Apes!

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