The squirrel Scrat is going to meet a mate in Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs, the latest opus of Ice Age. Her name is Scratte. She is a female saber-tooth squirrel a lot more intelligent than Scrat but Love could blossom between them. But there is still an acorn of contention:

There is a real chemistry between those two squirrels:
Let’s hope they’ll be able to overcome this acorn greed…
Ice Age 3 hits theaters on July 4th, go watch the movie in Digital 3D, just to fully understand how puny mammoths are compared to dinosaurs!
Can´t wait to watch the movie!!
anyone knows the song sound like beatles when scrat meet girl in the later part?
*Sighs* When I first saw this, I was oh so sure that these two would stay together forever. But I was completely wrong. I’m so FURIOUS at Blue Sky Studios for making up that this ADORABLE pairing break up! Bring back Scratte and their relationship Blue Sky! They’re just way too cute together! Hear me out! Bring back Scratte and let Scrat give up on that damn acorn once and for all, and let Scrat and Scratte stay together forever in love even on Ice Age 4 if there is one! Let them be a couple again! BRING THESE TWO BACK TOGETHER BLUE SKY!
I love this couple, Scratte is pretty :)