Sherlock Holmes Trailer

Sherlock Holmes MovieDirector Guy Ritchie is bringing a brand new version of Sherlock Holmes with his latest movie. The film is starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law respectively as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Here below the first official Sherlock Holmes trailer:

Sherlock Holmes Movie Trailer


Now I understand why RDJ was chosen to play as Sherlock Holmes instead of Jude Law: RDJ is perfect for this somewhat clownish version of Sherlock Holmes. I mean easier to laugh with RDJ than with Jude Law… No offense Jude!
Guy Ritchie’s movie isn’t your grandfather’s Sherlock Holmes but I bet that the new generations will love it!

2 Responses - “Sherlock Holmes Trailer”

  1. Morag

    I love RDJ and I was so excited to see this trailer. I’m astonished by how buff he is as well!

  2. catgirl

    I’m a big Sherlock Holmes fan, and I like RDJ, but of course this not what I expected; it looks like some other character, I’m disappointed for many reasons only Sherlock Holmes fans can understand, but I’m sure new generations will like it, after all, they haven’t read the books and haven’t seen Basil Rathbone films, so they’re not able to compare. I’d rather keep Sherlock Holmes in the past, only for Conan Doyle fans than show it this way for new generations. Cheers.