Silence Movie – 2 TV Spots and 3 New Posters

SilenceCheck out those two new TV spots of Silence, the upcoming drama movie directed by Martin Scorsese:

Silence – I never knew Japan when it was a country of light but I’ve never known it to be as dark as it is now…

Silence – We must go find Father Ferreira!

There are also three new posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Well, one can’t blame Japan and its rulers for protecting its people from an unwelcome foreign religion. Had Japan turned into a Christian land I’m pretty sure it would then have been colonized by European powers and Japan would not have grown into the high tech country we know… So am sorry for those Christian “martyrs”, but it was definitely for the better good of Japan!

The film will be released on December 23, 2016.

One Response - “Silence Movie – 2 TV Spots and 3 New Posters”

  1. Tepo Nambam

    Well – the author of the comment above needs to study a bit o history to understand the role of Europeans (and especially Portuguese( in opening japan to the world and develop it scientifically and technologically. First of all the Portuguese are welcome in Tanegashima, introduce the fire weapon across Japan, which was a critical factor for Tokugawa to win the Japanese wars and force the emperor to move from Kyo-to, to to-Kyo (ancient Edo). The Portuguese also developed Nagasaki from a small fisherman village into a modern city (that later ended up nuclear bombed by the USA in WW II) where the first western hospitals and surgeries were done. Progress in medicine, optics, astronomy, weaponry, material science – you name…all found way to the Japanese society of those times. There are a couple dozen Japanese words today from Portuguese origin, and even science has a name related to foreign knowledge (cagaku). When the Portuguese and competing Castilian/Spanish are kicked of Japan (the Portuguese/Japanese Christians moving to Macau) the Dutch stayed there for centuries more. In the Dejima island (out of Nagasaki) the Dutch and some Portuguese earlier kept their trade and exchange of knowledge with Japan. Even today Japanese and Portuguese are very fond of each other for that particular historic meeting time. The first Japanese Embassy to Europe (the daimios that visited Lisbon and Rome), some Japanese origin words in Portuguese vocabulary, Portuguese gastronomy still found today in Japan, etc., etc. – are proof of the richness of that period (other than the cruelty of the business guns for Christians deal of those times). So in essence modern Japan somehow started there too, the opening of Japan to the outside world..that suffered other low episodes in the future/to come history of Japan, closing itself again (like China, actually) to the world…but later finally bring us to the Japan we have today. So your comment on “if the Japanese have become Christians” they would never make a tech-developed Japan…is totally bogus and a non-sense. To start with the Japanese tolerated the Portuguese presence for reasons of commerce with China (silver from Japan for silk and porcelain from China) that was forbidden directly between the two bitter Asian enemies. Later the Japanese understood they could benefit from European knowledge as well – especially guns. Thus tolerated Jesuits and Christians for a while. With Tokugawa winning the war, and unifying Japan, controlling even the Emperor (forced to move from Kyo-to to Edo, then renamed to-Kyo)…the need for Christians was less obvious. The Spanish Jesuits were particularly intense and “greedy”…causing fractures with the Jesuits and in particular with the Portuguese (no wonder…Spain was always Portugal’s enemy n. 1) in Japan – side by side with the intense christianization of the Philippines by the Spanish…all of that dictated the end of Christianity in large scale in Japan…