Smartass Movie trailer

Smartass MovieHere’s the official trailer of Smartass, the latest drama comedy movie written and directed by Jena Serbu and starring Joey King, Luke Pasqualino, and Ronen Rubinstein:


Some time before cellphones

Plot synopsis:
“Based on true events (mostly), Freddie (Joey King), a 15-year-old runaway becomes intimately acquainted with California’s ‘murder city’ after being released from jail, just shy of midnight. Absurdly self-reliant, completely broke and 120 miles away from her friends she has nothing to depend on but her wit and youthful charm.
Simultaneously, Lobo (Octavio Pizano), a drug-dealing murderer is granted a 24-hour stay, to raise funds for his in-prison protection from the black population who want him dead.
While Freddie cleverly hustles crack-dealing corner boys, pimp-murdering hookers and midnight creepers she learns more about herself and her aspirations, which are both threatened when Freddie reunites with friends only to find herself dangerously involved in Lobo’s survival plan.”

Do you think comfort is tantamount to mediocrity?

Anyway, here’s the film’s poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Smartass Poster

Surviving your teens can be a trip.

The movie Hollywood does not want you to see.

Release date: September 12, 2017 (on itunes).

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