The Maze Runner Surveillance videos

Still no trailer for the upcoming movie adaptation of The Maze Runner, but a new viral site is monitoring what the boys are doing:

Maze Runner Trailer

(Click on the picture to enlarge.)

“Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they’re all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow ‘runners’ for a shot at escape.”

Surveillance videos from the monitoring system:

The Maze Runner – Animal pens

The Maze Runner – Gate door

The Maze Runner – Huts

The Maze Runner – Lookout tree

Wondering what WCKD stand for? Well, it’s the acronym of “World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department”, an organization originally formed to find a cure to a dangerous brain-eating plague.

In theaters: February 14, 2014.

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