Trailer and Poster of The Meg starring Jason Statham

The Meg 2018Check out this new international trailer of The Meg, the upcoming sharksploitation horror thriller movie directed by Jon Turteltaub and starring Jason Statham:

Plot synopsis;
“Two hundred miles off the Chinese coast, a 75-foot-long prehistoric shark called a megalodon, thought to be long dead, rises from the depths of the ocean and attacks a research submersible, leaving its crew stranded. Diver Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham)—who has encountered the monster before—is called into action to help rescue the crew and stop the creature before it attacks the mainland.”

There’s also a brand new poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The Meg China Poster

Opening wide!

So do you root for the giant hungry fish or for Jason Statham? Why?

Release date: August 10, 2018 (in theaters).

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