A teaser trailer of Tron 2 is being shown at the current Comic Con. Fortunately, a fellow fan used a miracle of technology, namely his camera phone, to allow us to share his enthusiasm about the Tron 2 trailer.
Here below the Comic Con bootleg trailer of Tron 2:
Update: A skilled geek nicknamed genchang2112 has revamped the bootleg trailer of Tron 2:

The first Tron movie was about a computer geek sucked into a virtual world by an almighty computer, the MCP (which stands for Master Computer Program Master Control Program), and he had to battle in video games to make his way back to the real world.
Younger readers may better know Jeff Bridges for his role as Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger in Iron Man.
Update: the movie is now retitled Tron Legacy and the trailer is officially available in HD:
C’mon: Master Control Program. :)
Nice use of my Digital Press avatar (the pic of Flynn). At least it *looks* like my old Digital Press avatar, before i changed it to young Flynn/old Flynn side-by-side :)
That same Russian site has the tweaked version of the trailer as well as the regular. I had to replace the YouTube version of it when Disney had it removed. Link is on my blog if you want it.
OH MY GOD! I wet my pants like a geek! I didn’t I was one till I saw this trailer for TRON 2! It brings me back to my young days!