Whiteout Clip

In the movie Whiteout, US Marshall Carrie (Kae Beckinsale) has to face a vicious criminal in the white coldness of Antarctica. Let’s watch those preview clips of Whiteout:

Whiteout Preview Clip

Whiteout – Attack
Carrie (Kate Beckinsale) discovers her collegue Mooney (Steven Lucescu) dead.

Six more Whiteout clips are available below:

Whiteout – Never Underestimate the Ice
Dr. John Fury (Tom Skerritt) lectures about the dangers of Antarctica

Whiteout – Stuck Here
Carrie (Kate Beckinsale) decides to stay behind.

Whiteout – In My Gear
Carrie (Kate Beckinsale) interrogates Russell Haden (Alex O’Loughlin).

Whiteout – Dig Ourselves out

Whiteout – Lock us out
Carrie Stetko (Kate Beckinsale) struggles to catch the bad guy in a blizzard.

Whiteout – Blizzard Fight
Carrie (Kate Beckinsale) and Robert (Gabriel Macht) battle the bad guy in whiteout conditions.

It’s so cold in Antarctica: that freak must be more than crazy to ignore the icy weather and to kill people like that, he must be evil!

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