Trailer and Poster of Zoo

Zoo MovieCheck out the official trailer of Zoo, the upcoming drama comedy movie written and directed by Antonio Tublen and starring Zoë Tapper, Ed Speleers, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Jan Bijvoet, Lukas Loughran, Klaus Hjuler, Danny Thykær, Robin Gott, Patrik Karlson, Thomas Chaanhing, Per Löfberg, Fredric Ollerstam, Ida Gyllensten, Oliver Dimsdale, Barbara D’Alterio, and Ed Hughes:

Plot synopsis:
“Karen and John are verging on divorce, but when the world is hit by a pandemic that turns people into the living dead, the couple locks themselves in their apartment – waiting for rescue, they reclaim their lost love.”

Do you think their couple will survive the zombie apocalypse?

The US release date of the movie Zoo is set to May 28, 2019.

Stay tuned with us for more details.

Update: There’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Zoo Movie Poster

Saving a marriage during a zombie apocalypse is not an easy task.

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