The Joneses is an upcoming comedy movie written and directed by Derrick Borte. The story revolves around a seemingly perfect family, but the Joneses are actually a bunch of dedicated scammers. It is starring David Duchovny, Demi Moore, Amber Heard, Gary Cole, Chris Williams, Lauren Hutton, and Glenne Headly . Here’s the first official movie trailer of The Joneses:
“Demi Moore and David Duchovny star as a seemingly perfect couple who, along with their equally perfect teenagers — Amber Heard (“Zombieland,” “Pineapple Express”) and Ben Hollingsworth (“The Beautiful Life”) — move into an upscale gated community. The Joneses have better goods and game than any other family in town. The only problem is they’re not a family -they are employees of a stealth marketing organization, and they know how to make everyone else want what they’ve got.”
I doubt that in the move Joneses David Duchovny will be as interesting as in the TV series Californication. But Demi Moore make for an appealing duo. So I won’t miss the Joneses movie!