
Hesher Movie

Hesher is an upcoming drama movie directed by Spencer Susser and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Natalie Portman and Rain Wilson. The film will premiere at the Sundance festival and will be released in 2010.

Update: here’s a first preview trailer of Hesher


Here below the first official pictures of Hesher:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Joseph Gordon-LevittNatalie Portman HesherHesherHesher Movie

“T.J, a 13 year old boy and his Father, both devastated by the tragic loss of the Mother/Wife, are now living with the elderly Grandma. On his way to school one day, T.J has a chance encounter with Hesher, a late 20’s year old with a troubled past. Hesher assumes a role as both mentor and tormentor, leading T.J into troubles he could never have imagined. Nicole, a young grocery clerk trying to make ends meet steps in to protect T.J from a vicious attack, T.J becomes enamored with Nicole, only to have his fantasies destroyed by Hesher. Hesher moves into Grandma’s home, although uninvited, he is somehow accepted.”

I can definitely imagine Joseph Gordon-Levitt in this role: his performance is going to be outstanding, I’m sure of it! Hope that the movie Hesher will get a wide release so I can see it!

Season 10 Smallville

Smallville Season 10Smallville Season 10
Genre: Superhero/TV Series
Directed by:
Starring: Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Allison Mack, Justin Hartley
Release Date: TBA Fall 2010

More Information at: Smallville Season 10 Trailer


Iron Man 2 Film

Iron Man 2 FilmFour new pictures of Iron Man 2 have been released, here they are:

Iron Man 2 Movie Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

One may recognize Whiplash (Mickey Rourke), Tony Stark aka Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson).

A Nightmare on Elm Street Pictures

Three new stills of A Nightmare on Elm Street have shown up:

Nightmare on Elm Street Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Freddy is a kind of claw fetichist…

Social Network Movie

The Social Network is an upcoming movie that retraces the early days of Facebook, how the famous platform was created. It is based on Ben Mezrich’s book ‘The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal’ (let’s hope the movie won’t feel as long as this book title!). The film is directed David Fincher and is starring Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Timberlake respectively as Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker, the cofounders of Facebook.


Here below a first look at Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Justin Timberlake on the set of The Social Network Movie

“A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook.”

I love watching those biopics of successful geeks. I remember watching a movie about the creation of Apple and it was damn interesting. Hope that the Social Network movie will be as great!

Hereafter Plot Details

Clint Eastwood's Hereafter MoviePlot details of Hereafter, the next movie directed by Clint Eastwood, have surfaced online despite the tight secrecy wrapping the film:

Plot of Hereafter:
“George (Matt Damon) is a ‘handsome, shy, soft-spoken’ factory worker who can talk to the dead but prefers not to.
Meanwhile, across the world, two different plotlines play out that are touched by tragedy:
– beautiful French journalist Marie (Cecile De France) recovers from a near-death experience in the 2004 tsunami, then becomes increasingly gripped with questions about what she saw before she was revived.
– at the same time in London, a drug-addicted English single mother, played by Lyndsey Marshal, loses one of her twin 10-year-old sons in a car accident…
The three parallel stories eventually intersect: three lonely people, cut off from the ones they love, searching for answers about what lies beyond life.”

Sounds like a supernatural existentialist movie… I’m surprised to see Clint Eastwood helming such a film. But I’m confident he will carry out the project well and that the movie Hereafter will be an Oscar contender at the end!

Harry Potter 7 Photo

Here’s a new picture of Harry Potter 7:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) are hunted by Voldemort’s minions. But they aren’t desperate victims: they’re determined to fight back and look for the last two Horcruxes in order to send the evil soul of Voldemort to oblivion!

Avatar 2 Movie

Avatar 2 Movie - Avatar Movie Sequel - Sequel to James Cameron's AvatarAvatar hasn’t been released yet, but there are already talks of a movie sequel to to Avatar. I don’t think that Director James Cameron is overconfident in planning so far ahead: the movie Avatar is obviously going a phenomenal blockbuster, so it completely makes sense to get ready for Avatar 2, or even Avatar 3.

Sam Worthington, who’s got the lead role in Avatar as Jack Sully, recently said that the cast of Avatar signed on for a potential trilogy:

Sam Worthington talks about Avatar 2

“You work 18-hour days. I was on it for 14 months. Jim’s still editing. We’ll still be filming it up to the day it’s released — probably after the movie comes out, knowing Jim! That commitment is what makes him the man he is. It’s life or death. It’s war. That’s how he approaches movies… We’re signed for a trilogy. But I think I’ll be 94 by the time it finishes, to be honest. I know Jim’s got some ideas in his big head.”

Actor Sam Worthington

There are currently two rumors about the plot of Avatar 2:

– either the movie sequel to Avatar would explore further the planet Pandora:

“If the public likes Avatar, it’s a possibility. After all, here we are exploring the surface of the planet Pandora. The interior remains to be seen.”

Producer Jon Landau

– or Avatar 2 would move to space or even to a new planet:

“What would you think if I told you that should a sequel to AVATAR happen, it might not even take place on Pandora? It’s all up the air as of now. But remember I’m telling you this. Pandora is not the be all and end all of the Consortium.”

An anonymous, but well-informed source of MarketSaw

Haven’t seen the first film yet, but I think I would prefer the story of Avatar 2 to take place in space and new planets to be introduced. Those Na’vis, Pandora’s blue aliens, are just stingy savages who don’t want to share the planet Pandora’s resources, not sure it can give enough material for a second movie. But by expanding its horizon, and going outside of Pandora, Avatar 2 could become the best sci-fi movie franchise ever!

Hangover 2 Movie

Hangover 2 MovieThere is a movie sequel to the Hangover ahead of us: Director Todd Phillips is indeed working on a script for the Hangover 2! In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he said that Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms would back to reprise their roles. He also hinted that the Hangover 2 could move to a new city for new crazy adventures:

Hangover 2 Trailer


“What people loved about The Hangover was not Las Vegas or the bachelor party but these three characters. I think you can take those characters and put them in other situations, and you don’t need the sell of Vegas and a bachelor party and all that other stuff.”

Director Todd Phillips

Well, as long as the same actors from the first film are back for this sequel to the Hangover, he’s got my support whatever the city! Those guys are so crazy: They make the show, not the city where the plot takes place.

Production on The Hangover 2 should start in October 2010. And the release date of the Hangover 2 is tentatively set for Memorial Day 2011, so it will hit theaters on May 30, 2011. I guess we can already consider The Hangover 2 as a Summer 2011 blockbuster.

Since Director Todd Phillips didn’t give any plot details of the Hangover 2, would you have any suggestion? What could be an excuse for our funny anti-heroes to get wasted and go through a new series of hilarious adventures in the Hangover 2 movie?

Red Dawn Movie

Red DawnDirector Dan Bradley is helming Red Dawn, an upcoming remake of the cult 1984 movie of the same name in which the USA are invaded by foreign troops. The invaders in this new Red Dawn movie differ from the original one: the Russians have been replaced by the Chinese! Dan Bradley’s Red Dawn is starring Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck, Adrianne Palicki, Josh Hutcherson, Isabel Lucas, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Will Yun Lee. It will be released on November 24, 2010.

Red Dawn Trailer

Here below a few pictures from the movie set of Red Dawn:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Chris Hemsworth - Red Dawn Movie

“A group of teenagers look to save their town from an invasion of Chinese and Russian soldiers.”

It’s hard to think about China invading the USA… The Chinese aren’t stupid, they wouldn’t dare to go on the warpath against the USA. If China was planning such a move, the US Army would nuke them even before the Chinese soldiers board on their planes or ships! But let’s imagine that the Chinese invasion force manages to neutralize all of the American nukes and that the president would surrender… Well, it’s not just a few teenagers that would resist, but the whole country: every American citizen would fight for the American Dream!

Anyway, I do wait with impatience for the movie Red Dawn!

Here’s the movie trailer of red Dawn, the original movie: Continue reading »

King of Fighters Movie Trailer

King of Fighters MovieDirector Gordon Chan has been working on the King of Fighters, a live-action movie adaptation of the video game of the same name. Here below the first King of Fighters movie trailer:


“The surviving members of three legendary fighting clans are continually whisked away to other dimensions by an evil power. As the fighters enter each new world they battle that universe’s native defenders, while the force that brought them seeks to find a way to invade and infect our world.”

– Sean Faris as Kyo Kusanagi
– Maggie Q as Mai Shiranui
– Will Yun Lee as Iori Yagami
– Ray Park as Rugal Bernstein
– Françoise Yip as Chizuru Kagura
– Hiro Kanagawa as Saisyu Kusanagi
– David Leitch as Terry Bogard
– Sam Hargrave as Ryo Sakazaki
– Monique Ganderton as Mature
– Bernice Liu as Vice

The King of Fighters movie just looks like a generic action movie, still I’d watch it, at least to see Maggie Q and Françoise Yip!

Adrien Brody Splice

Splice FilmTake a look to this new series of pictures of Splice, the upcoming science-fiction movie directed by Vincenzo Natali and starring Adrien Brody:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) are young, brilliant and ambitious. The new animal species they engineered have made them rebel superstars of the scientific world. In secret, they introduce human DNA into the experiment. The result is something that is greater than the sum of its parts: a female animal-human hybrid that may be a step up on the evolutionary ladder.”

Whatever happens don’t trust that creature, don’t trust her angelic face! Her legs borrowed from Lucifer himself are a much better indication of her true nature! She’s a real devil waiting to prey upon poor humans!

A few words from Vincenzo Natali about the movie Splice:

“Splice is a serious film and an emotional one. And there’s sex… Very unconventional sex. The centerpiece of the movie is a creature which goes through a dramatic evolutionary process. The goal is to create something shocking but also very subtle and completely believable.”

Director Vincenzo Natali

Really? A romance with the creature? Clive (Adrien Brody) must be some borderline character then….

Zombieland 2 Movie

Zombieland 2 MovieLooks like there’s gonna be a movie sequel to Zombieland, the zombie comedy movie starring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg. Sony is said indeed to be interested in producing Zombieland 2. And the whole team from the first movie is eager at coming back for a new Zombieland movie. Below Director Ruben Fleischer and Scriptwriter Paul Wernick

Zombieland 2 Trailer

“I love the possibility that there might be another movie. It would be fun to see what these guys get up to next.”

Director Ruben Fleischer

“We would love it, and everyone involved creatively wants to do another one. Woody came up to us after the final cut of the last scene and gave us a hug and said, ‘I’ve never wanted to do a sequel… until this one.'”

Scriptwriter Paul Wernick

I’d be glad to to see Zombieland 2, but I hope that this new opus Zombieland will focus a bit more on zombie slaying: the obvious talent of Woody Harrelson for zombie smashing was kind of wasted in the first film. So, please, in the movie Zombieland 2: more time for Woody Harrelson, a lot more!

Nimrod Antal Predators

PredatorsDirector Nimrod Antal who’s in charge of the upcoming movie Predators has been talking about this new Predator sequel:

Nimrod Antal - Director of Predators

“So far, it’s been great, and I think that the fans who may have been underwhelmed by the last two AVP films, I think they’re in for a very pleasant surprise.
I think we both recognize that the original film was as good as it was because of the practical, because it was a guy in a suit, because it was the jungle, so we stay true to that. We were in Hawaii for a month in the jungle, so there’s going to be some pretty impressive locations.
Again, it was a challenge in finding a balance. I think when we cast Adrien, there were a lot of people going, ‘What?’ but at the same time, if we cast a Vin Diesel in that role or if we cast anyone who is Arnold-esque, we would have been attacked for doing that. So we decided early on to go in a very different direction as far as the casting process, but it turned out fantastic. He plays a mercenary in the film and if you look at the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan today, they’re not ‘yolked-out’ Schwarzenegger-looking guys. They’re all very wiry and thin guys, and I think it’s going to play well.”

Director Nimrod Antal

Good that Nimrod Antal is addressing the casting issue! Can’t say indeed that Adrien Brody looks as manly as Arnold Schwarzenegger… The way Director Nimrod Antal is explaining this choice, it feels like he wants to inject more realism in the franchise: I suppose he wants to focus on action and close combat and less on science-fiction and geeky tech weapons.

The movie Predators is filmed to be R-rated, so we may expect a bloody mess in the jungle!

High School Movie

High School MovieHigh School is an upcoming stoner comedy directed by John Stalberg and starring Adrien Brody (who played in The Piano), Colin Hanks, Michael Vartan, and Andrew Wilson. The release is set for sometime in 2010.

Here below the first official pictures of High School:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“A high school valedictorian who gets baked with the local stoner finds himself the subject of a drug test. The situation causes him to concoct an ambitious plan to get his entire graduating class to face the same fate, and fail.”

I’m not a fan of those stoner comedy movies, but I don’t want to miss Adrien Brody in the movie High School: he looks like a crazy dude in this role!