
Centurion Photos

Centurion movieTwo new pictures of Centurion have been release, it’s also an occasion to look again at the pics previously released:

Centurion Movie Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is decimated in a devastating guerrilla attack.”

Director Neil Marshall’s Centurion is gonna be a dark bloody movie judging from the pictures above! Fortunately, the pretty Olga Kurylenko will bring some sensitivity to the whole thing.

Iron Man 2 Robert Downey Jr.

Tony Stark is kind of depressed at the beginning of Iron Man 2, the new Iron Man movie:

Iron Man 2 Movie Trailer

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Iron Man Tony Stark

So depressed that Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) has to ask him to get down from a giant donut where Stark has been hiding his sorrow, and to invite him for lunch…

Avatar Toys

We may have a closer look to the different characters of James Cameron’s Avatar thanks to this series of Avatar toys:

Avatar Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

I’d be glad to ride that insectoid horse! I guess many people will be attracted by the quixotic beauty of Pandora and will be dreaming about the movie Avatar!
(Source: IO9)

Twilight New Moon 33 New Pictures

Director Chris Weitz has been directing Twilight New Moon, aka Twilight 2, the movie adaptation of the second opus of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. The film will premiere on November 16 before a wide release on November 20. Meanwhile here’s a gift for the fans of Twilight: we got our hands on brand new pictures of Twilight New Moon!

So, take a look to those pictures of Twilight New Moon:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

More pictures of Twilight New Moon below: Continue reading »

Quinton Rampage Jackson as Baracus in the A-Team

New pictures from the movie set of the A-Team have shown up, and we may have a closer look at Quinton Jackson aka Rampage as Sgt. BA Baracus:

A-Team Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Where are his gold necklaces? Was it too kitsch for the A-Team movie? So sad!

Liam Neeson as Zeus in Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans MovieThe first pictures of Liam Neeson as Zeus on the set of Clash of the Titans have surfaced online! An we also have the hi-res pictures that premiered in Empire yesterday. Take a look below:

Clash of the Titans Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Liam Neeson looks better without that beard… But Zeus is indeed traditionally depicted as a middle-age man with a beard. Director Louis Leterrier probably wants to show some respect to the original myths. But don’t worry, Louis Leterrier’s take on those myths will be definitely modern, and I guess, with a hell of action!

Michael Bay Transformers 3

Transformers 3 MovieThere was a doubt about the release date of Transformers 3: Michael Bay was willing to return but wanted to take a break first, and Transformers 3 would have been pushed back to 2012 instead of 2011 as a result. But fear no more: it looks like he has bent under the pressure of Paramount (or rather he’s been promised a really fat paycheck) and that the movie Transformers 3 will hit theaters on July 1, 2011 as previously announced by Paramount.

Transformers 3 Movie

Michael Bay said indeed on his site that:

“Well its official: We have a great Transformers 3 story. The release date is now July 1st 2011. Not 2012.

Today is Day One. This morning started with an ILM meeting for five hours in San Francisco. Currently I’m flying with writer Ehren Kruger to Rhode Island to talk to Hasbro about new characters.”

Director Michael Bay

He also jokes about the recent controversy fueled by Megan Fox who compared him to a dictator:

“PS: Megan Fox, welcome back. I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way during the production of this motion picture. Please consult your Physician when working under my direction because some side effects can occur, such as mild dizziness, intense nausea, suicidal tendencies, depression, minor chest hair growth, random internal hemorrhaging and inability to sleep. As some directors may be hazardous to your health, please consult your Doctor to determine if this is right for you.”

Director Michael Bay

Without much surprise, both Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox will be back for Transformers 3 then. And Director Michael Bay will make sure that this new Transformers movie will be as explosive as the previous ones.

We don’t know yet the plot of Transformers 3, but the mini-cons are likely to show up because Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura mentioned them not so long ago.

Don’t forget the release date of Transformers 3: it’s on July 1, 2011!

Date Night Movie

Marriage is said to be for life, but life is long… And for a man and a woman to stick together, beyond love, you need some spice once in a while. Well that’s the premise of Date Night, an upcoming comedy movie directed by Shawn Levy and starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey. The movie is set for a release on April 9, 2010.

Here below a first look at Steve Carell and Tina Fey in the movie Date Night:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Date Night Movie

“Claire and Phil Foster are a suburban couple slogging through their daily lives and marriage. Even their ‘date nights’ of dinner and a movie have become routine. To reignite the marital spark, they visit a trendy Manhattan bistro, where a case of mistaken identity hurtles them through the city at breakneck speeds, into non-stop adventure. Remembering what made them so special together, Phil and Claire take on a couple of corrupt cops, a top-level mobster and a crazed cabbie as their date becomes a night they’ll never forget.”

Won’t be an unforgettable comedy movie, but I’ll still go watch the Date Night with my wife.

Clash of the Titans Movie

Clash of the Titans MovieThe latest edition of Empire Magazine is showing off a few pictures of Clash of the Titans, the remake fantasy movie directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Sam Worthington as as Perseus:

Clash of the Titans Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“In the film, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is helpless to save his family from Hades (Ralph Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Liam Neeson) and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.”

We can expect a lot of action in this Clash of the Titans movie. Would be great if this movie. With such a great cast and and with a filmmaker who proved his talent, you cant bet it’s gonna be a blockbuster when it comes out in March 2010.

The A-Team

We saw the A-Team’s van not so long, now we are lucky to get an early blurry glimpse of the whole team:

A-Team Movie Pictures

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

The A-Team Remake Movie

Here’s the cast of the A-Team from left to right:
– Quinton Rampage Jackson as Sgt. “B.A.” Baracus
– Liam Neeson as John “Hannibal” Smith
– Sharlto Copley as Capt. “Howling Mad” Murdock
– Bradley Cooper as Lt. Templeton “Faceman” Peck

The new A-Team isn’t as kitsch as the original one:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

I suppose the changes were made in order the A-Team movie to reach a larger public. But I hope they will try to make it at least as funny as the original A-Team was.

The Crazies

The Crazies MovieThe Crazies
Genre: Drama/Horror/Sci-Fi/Thriller
Directed by: Breck Eisner
Starring: Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Danielle Panabaker, Joe Anderson
Release Date: February 26, 2010

More Information at: The Crazies Trailer

Avatar Unobtainium

Here’s a first look at the are the unobtainium, the mineral mankind is looking for on the planet Pandora in the movie Avatar directed by James Cameron:

Avatar Trailer

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Unobtainium- Avatar Movie

Unobtainium allows superconductivity any loss at room temperature. Superconductivity means that electricity can flow through this material without resistance, no resistance means not loss, so the system becomes ultra efficient: that’s what our grid needs!

Scientists can recreate superconductivity at very low temperatures, but that’s not worth it so far because too much it requires energy is put to reach those low temperatures. At least for now, Superconductivity at room temperature is like a Holy Grail. So you bet that if we were to find a material allowing superconductivity at room temperature we would rush to mine it, even if we would have to get rid of a few aggressive stingy local aliens.

Daybreakers Movie

A few not-so-exciting pictures of Daybreakers, the sci-fi Vampire movie directed by the Spirieg Brothers, have been released by Lionsgate:

Daybreakers Pictures

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“In 2019, a plague transforms the world’s population into vampires. With fewer humans to provide blood, the vampires seek to farm the remaining humans and to find a way to continue their existence. A secret team of vampires uncover a way that would rescue the human race.”

Those pictures of Daybreakers don’t tell much, better to watch the trailer of Daybreakers again to have a better understanding of what to expect!

Venom Movie

A spin-off Venom movie is under development! Scriptwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese have been working on the screenplay of the film

Venom Trailer

Paul Wernick told to Sci-Fi wire:

“We’ve written two drafts of Venom, and the studio has it, and they’re pushing forward in whatever ways they push forward.”

Scriptwriter Paul Wernick

No word about the story would be linked to Spiderman 3 or Spiderman 4…

Well I don’t mind a supervillain movie: after all there is need for a balance of powers! Otherwise our superheroes would be useless! Let’s they will put the Venom movie in production soon!

The Other Guys Movie

Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are teaming up in The Other Guys, an upcoming action comedy movie about two second-tier loser cops who grumble about being in the shadow of two other super cops played by Dwayne Johnson The Rock and Samuel L Jackson. Our cops are of course facing a villain, played by Steve Coogan. Eva Mendes and Michael Keaton are also attached to the cast. The film is directed by Adam McKay. The Other Guys movie will be released on August 6, 2010.

Here below a first look at Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg in The Other Guys:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Land of the Lost didn’t exactly save Will Ferrell’s career, but The Other Guys could be a winner for him: the film can boast a great cast, so I believe there is hope for the Other Guys!