
Joseph Kosinski Tron Legacy

Director Joseph Kosinski who’s helming Tron Legacy aka Tron 2 talked to MTV about the upcoming sequel to Tron:

Tron Legacy Trailer

“Our approach is not like Avatar, which I think is 3-D from the first shot to the last. Ours is sort of a ‘Wizard of Oz’ approach. Ninety-eight percent of the 3-D is in the world of Tron. The 3-D really starts once we get into the Tron world.
It’s a combination of technologies that Zemeckis has been using in terms of the completely digital motion-capture of a character and for the live-action camera system. We used a camera developed by James Cameron’s company. We used a newer generation of camera than the one used on Avatar. They built it specifically for us.
I would say the movie is not far removed [from the comic-con teaser]. The teaser, at least tonally, represented the direction I wanted to take it. That sequence actually doesn’t appear in our film at all. It represents a period of time before our film begins. We were able to refine the design of the light cycles, the characters, the world and kind of flesh it out to a much higher level of detail than we were able to do for the test. What we’re going to see in the film will feel a lot more photorealistic. They did that test with eight or 10 people in a matter of months. We have thousands of people working on the film. It’s a whole different scale.”

Director Joseph Kosinski

Here’s the Tron Legacy trailer he’s talking about:


I was impressed by this teaser, so if this was just made from test footage, I’m gonna be flabbergasted by the movie when it will hit theaters!

Damn impatient to watch the movie Tron legacy!

Season of the Witch Pictures

Season of the Witch MovieSome new pictures of Season the Witch, the upcoming fantasy drama movie starring Nicolas and Ron Perlman:

Season of the Witch Trailer

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Nicolas Cage plays the role of a 14th century knight who’s got for mission to transport a girl suspected of being the witch responsible for spreading an evil plague.

Pictures of The Runaways

Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning have the lead roles in the Runaways, a music-fueled story of the ground-breaking, all girl, teenage rock band of the 1970s: The Runaways. They play respectively as Joan Jett, co-founding member and rhythm guitarist of the band, and as Cherie Currie, the band’s lead vocalist.

Runaways Pictures

Take a look to those new pictures of the Runaways:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

I heard that Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart will have a kind of Lesbian makeout scene: it’s gonna be hot! The Runaways won’t be a movie for kids!

Wall Street 2 Shia LaBeouf and Michael Douglas

Take a look to this new official picture of Wall Street 2, it features Shia LaBeouf and Michael Douglas:

Wall Street 2 Trailer

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Wall Street 2

“As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader (Shia Labeouf) partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader’s mentor (Frank Langella).”

Do you think Shia Labeouf knows anything about derivatives or even about simple stocks? Or is such knowledge just useless to get a lead role in Wall Street 2?

Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher Killers

A new official picture of Killers, the upcoming action comedy movie starring Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher has been released by Lionsgate:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

“A woman’s (Katherine Heigl) life turns upside down when she meets and marries her dream guy (Ashton Kutcher), only to find out there is a contract out on their lives.”

Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl make a lovely couple on screen.

Marc Webb Spiderman Reboot

Spiderman RebootSony Pictures have announced that Director Marc Webb has been hired to helm the reboot of Spiderman:

Spiderman Movie

“At its core, Spider-Man is a small, intimate human story about an everyday teenager that takes place in an epic super-human world. The key for us as we sought a new director was to identify filmmakers who could give sharp focus to Peter Parker’s life. We wanted someone who could capture the awe of being in Peter’s shoes so the audience could experience his sense of discovery while giving real heart to the emotion, anxiety, and recklessness of that age and coupling all of that with the adrenaline of Spider-Man’s adventure. We believe Marc Webb is the perfect choice to bring us on that journey.”

Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Matt Tolmach, president of Columbia Pictures

Well Webb’s got a fitting name for the job, and he seems enthusiast:

“This is a dream come true and I couldn’t be more aware of the challenge, responsibility, or opportunity. Sam Raimi’s virtuoso rendering of Spider-Man is a humbling precedent to follow and build upon. The first three films are beloved for good reason. But I think the Spider-Man mythology transcends not only generations but directors as well. I am signing on not to ‘take over’ from Sam. That would be impossible. Not to mention arrogant. I’m here because there’s an opportunity for ideas, stories, and histories that will add a new dimension, canvas, and creative voice to Spider-Man.”

Director Marc Webb

Besides Stan Lee agrees with the choice:

“I’m excited that Sony has chosen a director with a real penchant and understanding for the character. This is a brave, bold direction for the franchise, and I can’t wait to see what Marc comes up with next.”

Stan Lee, co-creator of Spider Man

Still hard to share Kevin Feige’s optimism though:

“The idea of re-imagining the on-screen story for one of the world’s most iconic superheros is sure to deliver an exciting new dimension to Spider-Man fans everywhere. There are volumes of comics and material available to inspire fresh and compelling takes on Peter Parker and his journey as Spidey and we look forward to seeing this come alive onscreen.”

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige

Anyway let’s hope that Screentwriter James Vanderbilt did manage to come up with a great script for this reboot of Spiderman.

Martin Campbell Green Lantern

Director Martin (who helmed a few James Bond besides the upcoming Edge of Darkness movie) will be directing the upcoming live-action Green Lantern movie set to star Ryan Reynolds. He talked to Collider (here) about his take on the Green Lantern:

Green Lantern Movie

“It will be much more in the tone of Iron Man. It’s got to be. Certainly not Batman Begins, which is a pretty dark movie. No, he’s the Hal Jordan character who’s the sort of shoot from the hip, irresponsible kind of cocky test pilot if you will. In fact, the character seems to be the least likely to be chosen as Green Lantern. Well, of course that’s the fun of it. So no, it’ll be much more like Iron Man. So it’ll have one foot in reality if you see what I mean.”

Director Martin Campbell

I can but agree with martin Campbell’s assessment. Hal Jordan is indeed a quite optimistic Green Lantern, almost cheeerful compared to John Stewart, the second human to become a Green Lantern (but that’s for an other movie, I hope!).

Plot of the Green Lantern:
“A test pilot is granted a mystical green ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers, as well as membership into an intergalactic squadron tasked with keeping peace within the universe.”

The movie Green Lantern will be released on June 17, 2011.

Hangover 2 Filming in Fall 2010

Hangover 2 MovieFilming of the Hangover 2, the movie sequel to last summer Hangover, will start filming in Fall 2010. The schedule was revealed by Actor Bradley Cooper:

Hangover 2 Movie

“Yeah, we’re gonna do that [The Hangover 2] in the fall. That’ll be a lot of fun”

Actor Bradley Cooper

Plot details of the Hangover 2 are still kept under wrap, but we should learn more quite soon!

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 To Start Filming in Summer 2010

Looks like Disney will start to the production Pirates of the Caribbean 4, aka Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides, in Summer 2010. And filming should partly take place in Hawaii.

Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides Trailer

The film is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, and directed by Rob Marshall. The script has been written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. The release date of Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides is currently set for May 20, 2011.

Warrior Movie

Warrior is an upcoming drama action movie directed by Gavin O’Connor and starring Nick Nolte, Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Jennifer Morrison. The film will be released on September 9, 2011

Update – The Warrior trailer:

Here’s a first look at Warrior:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Warrior Movie

“A son (Tom Hardy) returns home to his father (Nick Nolte) and begins studying mixed martial arts, only to find his new training will put him at odds with his brother (Joel Edgerton).”

I don’t like watching MMA or boxing on TV, but curiously, I do like watching movies that take place in the world of MMA or boxing (I did enjoy Never Back Down, and I’m a fan of Rocky!). So sign me up for the movie Warrior!

Kevin Greutert Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity 2 MovieIn a surprising twist Director Kevin Greutert (who helmed Saw 6 and edited the previous Saw movies) has been hired by Paramount to direct Paranormal Activity 2! And Screenwriter Michael R. Perry will pen the script.

Paranormal Activity 2 Movie

Oren Peli, who directed the first Paranormal Activity movie, is only producing the sequel. But no reason to worry according to him:

Oren Peli talks about Paranormal Activity 2

“These guys get it, and the fans won’t be disappointed.”

Oren Peli

Paramount want to release Paranormal Activity on October 22, 2010 (yep, they really want to kill the Saw franchise!). So I think more details about the plot of Paranormal Activity 2 will surface online soon.

Cemetery Junction First Look

Here’s a first look at Cemetery Junction, the upcoming comedy movie directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant and starring Christian Cooke, Tom Hughes, Jack Doolan, Felicity Jones and Ralph Fiennes:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Cemetery Junction

“Cemetery Junction is a coming of age comedy which takes place in the 70s. It’s about a young guy wants to escape his working-class world but his two best friends are happy with life as is. When the guy’s job reintroduces him to an old sweetheart, the trio must make choices that will change their lives for ever. When the guy’s job reintroduces him to an old sweetheart, the trio must make choices that will change their lives for ever.”

I’m fan of Ralph Fiennes so I would not miss the movie Cemetery Junction, even if I doubt he doesn’t have the lead role.

Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell The Other Guys

Colombia Pictures have released this first official picture of The Other Guys, an upcoming comedy movie starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

“Two mismatched New York City detectives (Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell) seize an opportunity to step up like the city’s top cops whom they idolize. But things don’t quite go as planned…”

I thought cops only eat donuts!

Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan The Resident

The residentNew pictures of The Resident, the upcoming thriller movie starring Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, have shown up online:

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

“When a young doctor suspects she may not be alone in her new Brooklyn loft, she learns that her landlord has formed a frightening obsession with her.”

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as freak obsessed with his tenant: could be a bloody good movie.

Legion 2 Movie

Legion 2 - Legion SequelIf the first Legion movie performs well in theaters we may expect Legion 2. Tom Waltz, one of the Legion comic book series’ writers, said indeed that the comic book prequel and the film would open the way for a sequel to Legion:

Legion 2 Trailer

“Our comic provides an exclusive expansion on some of the ideas and themes presented in the film and, perhaps, a hint at things to come should there be a movie sequel of Legion…”

Comic Book Writer Tom Waltz

Haven’t seen the movie Legion yet, but I can but dig its concept: badass angels using uzis to settle differences, who could resist to that? Anyway, since the comic book is about human prophets gifted with special abilities and and that the first film is about Archangel Michael trying to protect a a pregnant woman, I guess we’ll get to know more about this child to be in the movie Legion 2 if it is ever made.