
Outlander New Pictures

A batch of pictures of Outlander, upcoming sci-fi movie, are available at:

Outlander Pictures

Jesus Christ (James Caviezel) is a man from outer space in this movie and he’s here to hunt some ugly evil aliens!

Wall-E Hula Hoop Vignette

A new vignette featuring Wall-E playing with a hula hoop has been released:

Wall-E Meets Hula Hoop.

More teaser vignettes are available on: Wall-E

It goes without saying that such a cute robot can but conquer the hearts of movigoers!
Disney and Pixar have created a marvelous character!


Action/adventure/Science Fiction
Directed by Howard McCain
Starring James Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Jack Huston
Release Date: January 23, 2009

More Information at: Outlander

Iron Man Forgets Murphy Law

Iron Man isn't focused on his job...We already knew that Tony Stark doe not have any superpowers as other superheroes do. Well, unfortunatey, he falls short to be a perfect engineer too…

Watch this new preview you’ll understand better:

Looks like Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Junior) has forgotten Murphy’s law…
If something can go wrong, it will.
So check, check, and check again!

Much more on: Iron Man

Tony Stark is at least really gifted for something: he know how to choose his secretary! No doubt about that!

X-Files 2 Sniff Kiss Between Mulder and Scully!

In X-Files 2 Mulder and Scully will be much closer than ever. We already know that they’re going to sniff kiss:
(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)What is sniff kiss you may wonder? Well, Sniff Kiss is a Thai form of affection, where someone leans close to their loved one, putting their nose and their lips very close to their head/hair/shoulder and then ‘sniff’. Sniff Kiss is no apanage of Thailand but over there it does have a special meaning nowadays. :)

Some more new pictures from X-Files 2, aka ‘X-Files: I Want To Believe’:
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

The picture with the helicopter is probably taken from the same scene we may see in one of the bootleg trailers on:

X-Files 2

Aren’t Mulder and Scully cute together! I still have hope that we will have a real French kiss between those two!

Get Smart New Pictures

Pictures of Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway from Get Smart are available on:

Get Smart Pictures

Anne Hathaway is a real woman by now, and a quite sexy woman!

Babylon AD Vin Diesel Pictures

Check some pictures of Babylon A.D., upcoming science-fiction movie starring Vin Diesel:

Babylon AD Pictures

Vin Diesel looks cool!

Bangkok Dangerous Nicolas Cage Falls In Love In Asia

Nicolas Cage in Bangkok DangerousIn Bangkok Dangerous Nicolas Cage plays the role of a hitman break the one rule he had by falling in love with a cute Asian local.

Nicolas Cage
Shahkrit Yamnarm

Watch the teaser trailer on: Bangkok Dangerous

No one would wonder that even a hitman would fall in love with such a cute girl (Shahkrit Yamnarm)!

Wanted New International Trailers

We’ve got our hands on two new international trailers for Wanted, coming from Russia origin country of Director Timur Bekmambetov. Unfortunately for non Russian speakers the trailers are without English subtitles.

Wanted Russian Trailers

But to a certain extent it’s better like this: the movie looks much more mysterious and Angelina Jolie with a Russian voice is damned hot!

The Happening More Pictures

A new bacth of pictures from the Happening, ecologist scarecrow movie by M. Night Shyamalan:
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Watch the teaser trailer on: The happening

See the picture with Mark Wahlberg in front of a board? Take a closer look to this teacher board…
Why does Hollywood need to refer to Einstein whenever there is something that is supposed to require some intelligence?

Wall-E New Widget

You may grab a Wall-E widget for your site at:

Wall-E Widget

This Wall-E widget has been really well built.

Mess With The Zohan International Poster

Just spotted an international poster of Adam Sandler’s upcoming movie, You Don’t Mess With The Zohan:
(Click on the poster to enlarge it.)

Mess With The Zohan International PosterA comedy starring Adam Sandler:
He’s an Israeli James Bond who wants to be hair stylist.

You Don’t Mess With The Zohan

Never mess with your hair stylist, or you may have deep regrets later… Indeed!

Speed Racer Ford vs Toyota

It’s been a few years already since Hollywood is acknowledging the Asian market of moviegoers. That’s maybe why Asian faces keep popping up in the cast of American movies. And this trick surely have a positive impact among Asian people.

Well, Speed Racer (Ford The American) is playing on Asian pride by putting forward Taejo (Toyota The Japanese) as the main competiter of Speed:
(Click on the poster to enlarge it.)

Speed racer

Don’t want to undermine Asian pride but Taejo (Toyota) can’t be compared to Speed (Ford)! Only one other pilot can be compared: it’s Racer X (General Motors)!

Unfortunately this order is not exactly true for the car companies… Indeed:
Gas-guzzling cars s*ck! Prius rocks!

Watchmen Rumrunner Bar

Ever heard about the Rumrunner bar? You know, this Bar in Watchmen by Will Eisner Alan Moore, next to the ill-fated Moloch’s street hole.

Well here below the entrance door:

 Rumrunner - Watchmen
Ok, I must admit: actually this post is a pretext to introduce the trailer of Watchmen again:

Watchmen Trailer

But that’s a nice door, isn’t it? So you’ll forgive Teaser Trailer!

Sex And The City Final Poster

The final poster of Sex And The City the movie has at long last been released. We had to wait but the poster is quite nice, at least so much better than the cheap former version.
(Click on the poster to enlarge it.)
Sex And The City Final Poster

Watch : Sex And The City Trailer

This new poster highlights the beauty of Sarah Jessica Parker!